
Kode BukuJudul BukuPengarang/Penerbit BukuTahun TerbitJumlah Halaman/Ukuran Buku
028 M. LosMechanisms In Plant DevelopmentOttoline Leyser
Stephen Day/
Blackwell Publishing
200323 hlm.
17,5 x 24 cm.
029 A. BLPAlgaeLaura Barsanti
Paolo Gualtieri/
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
2006301 hlm.
18 x 26 cm.
035 P. SGuPlant SisyematicsGurcharan Singh/
Science Publishers, Inc. USA
1999249 hlm.
16 x 21 cm.
085 C. DRCCuricullum Improvement. Decition Making and ProcessRonald C. Dolla/
Allyn and Bacon Boston London Sydney Toronto
1992531 hlm;
24 x 19 cm.
086 S. GGSSchool Based Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities.
Third edition
Richard A. Gorton
Gail Thierbach Schneider/
Wm.C.Brown Publishers
1991638 hlm.
24 x 17 cm.
087 L. CBJLeading The Self-Manging SchoolBrian J. Caldwell/
The Falmer Press
1993ix, 231 hlm.
24 cm.
088 M. MPCManagement Systems In EducationPaul A. Montello
Charles A. Wimberly/
Professional Educators Publications, Inc. Lincoln, Nebraska.
1975212 hlm.
23,5 x 17 cm.
089 E. RSPEsentials Of Organizational BehaviorStephen P. Robbins/
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J.
1984197 hlm.
23 x 17 cm.
090 A. LYWA Teacher’s Word Psychology in the ClassroomStephen L. Yelon
Grace W. Weinstein/
McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd.
1977593 hlm;
22,5 x 15 cm.
091 B. TRwBasic Principles Of Curicullum And InstructionRalph W. Tyler/
The University of Chicago Press
1973vi, 128 hlm.
21, 7 cm.
092 D. GCDDevelopmental Supervision: Altenative Practices for Helping Teachers Improve Instruction.Carl D. Glickman/
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
198165 hlm.
21 x 16 cm.
093 L.SWRInstructional Leadership
How Principals Make A Difference
Wilma F. Smith
Richard L. Andrews/
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
1989156 hlm.
21 x 16 cm.
094 M. STJMoral Leadership
Getting to the Heart of School Improvement
Thomas J. Sergiovanni/
Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Fransisco
1992173 hlm.
21 x 16 cm.
095 N. RJMNew Directions in Educational PolicyJohn Martin Rich/
Professional Educators Publications, INC. Lincoln, Nebraska.
1974104 hlm.
20,5 cm.
102 P. CAJPrinciples Of Molecular VirologyAlan J. Cann/
Elsevier Academic Press
2005315 hlm.
25,5 x 18 cm.
103 T. CJDThe Science Of Laboratory DiagnosisJhon Wiley/
John Wiley and Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Suothern Gate , Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England.
2005542 hlm.
25,5 x18 cm.
116 I. HERIntroductory MicrobiologyJ. Heritage,
E. G. V. Evans
Cambridge University Press
1996234 hlm
23 x 16 cm.
121 M. MCAMolekular Biologi Of CancerF. Macdonald,
C.H.J. Ford
Bios Scientific Publishers, London and New York.
2004277 hlm.
25 x 18,5 cm.
129 A. BSAssessing Need In Education And Social ProgramsBelle Ruth Witkin/Program Pascasarjana UM
198427 x 21 cm.
130 T.CJATThe Systematic Design Of InstructionWalter Dick
Lou Carey
Kames O. Carey/Wesley Educational Publisher Inc.
2001488 hlm.
29 x 21 cm.
146 G. WCNGlobal Bioiversity
Status of The Earth’s living Resources
Brian Groombridge/
Published by Chapman & Hall
1992584 hlm.
21,5 x 16 cm.
212 M. AASMolecular Biology Of The CellBruce Alberts et al.,/
Garland Science
2008xxxiii, 1302 hlm.
29 x 21 cm.
213 M. BJGMichrobiologyJacquelyn G. Black/John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2008xxv, 1006 hlmn.
27 x 21 cm.
214 M. GBJMolecular BiotechnologyBernard R. Glick
Jack J. Pasternak/ASM Press
2003xxiii, 760 hlm.
27,5 x 21 cm.
218 P. GDMPlant Culture MediaEdwin F. George Ph.D., et al.
Exegetics Limited.
1987vi, 567 hlm.
34 x 21,5 cm.
219 M. ADJMolecular Biology Of The CellBruce Alberts et al./Garland Publishing, Inc.
1989xxxix, 1278 hlm.
28,5 x 22 cm.
220 A. SAJAn Introduction To Genetic AnalysisDavid T. Suzuki et al./W.H. Freeman and Company/New York
1989xi, 768 hlm.
28 x 21,5 cm.
222 A. PEAAnimal Behavior In LaboratarycAnd FieldEdward O. Price and Allen W. Stokes/W.H. Freeman and Company, San Fransisco
1968ix, 130 hlm.
27,5 cm.
223 E. SLRElement EcologyRoberth Leo Smith/Harper Collins Publishers
1992xvii, 648 hlm.
26 x 20 cm.
224 M. VEFManual Of Herbarium Taxonomi Theory And PracticeE. F. De Vogel/Unesco 1987x, 164 hlm.
26,5 x 18,5 cm.
225 F. MMRFinger printing Metods Based On Arbitrarily Primed ( PCR)Dr. Mari Rita Michell/
Springer Lab Manual
1996xvi441 hlm.
26 x 20 cm.
226 M. AFJModern GeneticsFrancisco J. Ayala
John A. Kiger, Jr./
The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
1984xviii, 1101 hlm.
26,5 x 20,5 cm.
227 A HFRAn Essay On The Architecture And Dynamics Of Growth Of Tropical TreesF. Halle and R. A. A. Oldeman/Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur1975xxv, 156 hlm.
26 x 16,5 cm.
228 O. KHSOrders And Families Of Malayan Seed PlantsHsuan Keng/
University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur
1969Xxiii, 429 hlm.
25,5 x 17,5 cm.
229 I. CENInterbrate Palaentology And EvolutionE. N. K. Clarkso/Chapman & Hall
1986Ix, 434 hlm.
25,5 x 21 cm.
230 B. WEFBiodiversityE. O. Wilson
Frances M. Peter, Associate Editor
1988xiii, 521 hlm.
24 x 18 cm.
232 F. WHLFundamentals Of Molecular EvolutionWen-Hsiung Li
Dan Graur/Sinauer Associates, Inc-Publishers
1991xv, 284 hlm.
24 x 19,3 cm.
233 M. GHAMethods In Molecular Biology DNA Sequencing ProtocolsHugh G. Griffin
Annete M. Griffin/
Humana Press
1993xii, 392 hlm.
24,5 x 17 cm.
234 P. SDAPrinciples Of Instrumentals AnalysisDouglas A. Skoog/
Saunders College Publishing International Edition
1984xii, 1045 hlm.
23,5 x 19,2 cm.
235 A. RPMAllozyme ElectrophoresisB. J. Richardson
M. Adams/
Academic Press, Inc.
1986xii, 410 hlm.
23 x 16,5 cm.
236 P. MEPPrinciples Of Systematic ZoologyErnst Mayr
Peter D. Ashlock/McGraw Hill, Inc
1991xx, 475 hlm.
24 x 16,5 cm.
237 A. MPJAn Introduction To Marine SciencePS Meadows,
Jl Campbell/
Blackie USA: Halsted Press
1988ix, 285 hlm.
24,5 x 16,5 cm.
238 P. JSAPlant SystematicsSamuel B. Jones, Jr, Arlene E. Luchsinger/McGraw Hill Publishing Company.
1986xiii, 512 hlm.
24 x 16,5 cm.
240 T. TKCTissue Culture Techniques For Horticultural CropsKenneth C. Torres/An Avi Book
Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold New York.
1988vii, 285 hlm.
24 cm.
241 G. WHoGuidelines For Drinking-Water QualityWHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Geneva1993x, 188 hlm.
24 cm.
242 G. EgoGenetic PrinciplesGordon Edlin/Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
1982xvi, 464 hlm.
23,5 X 18,5 hlm.
243 I. BRDInvertebrate ZooloogyRobert D. Barnes/W.B. Saunders Companny
1974xii, 870 hlm.
23,5 X 18 cm.
244 M. PEAMethods Of VegetationEdwin Allen Philips/
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
1959xiii, 107 hlm.
23 X 16 cm.
245 A. SJPAnimal BehaviorJohn Paul Scott/The University of Chcago Press.
1967xi, 281 hlm.
23 X 15,5 cm.
247 D. AmiZooologiMichael Allaby/Oxford University Press
1992iv, 508 hlm.
22 X 15,5 cm.
256 C. FRICulture of Animal Cells A Manual of Basic TechniqueR. Ian Freshney/Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York
1987xviii, 397 hlm.
30 X 21,5 cm.
257 C. BroConcepts in BiotechemistryRodney Boyer/Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
1998xxv, 696 hlm.
27 X 21 cm.
259 A. ALDA Taxonomy for Learning Teaching and AssessingLorin W. Anderson/Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
2001xxix, 304 hlm.
29 X 20,5 cm.
261 G. EGKGeneticsG. D. Elseth
Kandy D. Baumgardner/Addison Wesley Publishing Company
1984xix, 780 hlm.
25 X 19,5 cm.
264 B. TWNBiotechnologyWilliam J. Thieman
Michael A. Palladino/Pearson Benjamin Cummings
2004xiv, 304 hlm.
29 cm.
278 T. WCThe ConodontaWalter C. Sweet/Clarendon Press-Oxford
1988x, 212 hlm.
21 cm.
-Biology, Ninth EditionKenneth A. Mason, Jonathan B. Losos, Susan R. Singer2009-
-Plant Physiology and Development, Sixth EditionLincoln Taiz, Eduardo Zeiger, Ian Max Moller, Angus Murphy2014-
-Evolution and Development of Monocot Stomata (Research Article)Paula J. Rudall, Elisabeth D. Chen, Erin Cullen2017-